Wheel-throwing and meaning; talk by artist Mårten Medbo

Wheel-throwing and meaning; talk by artist Mårten Medbo

Publicerat 2019.09.03

Open lecture Samlingssalen In my talk I will say something about my artistic practice with focus on wheel-throwing and its capacity to generate meaning.

Mårten Medbos thesis Lerbaserad erfarenhet och språklighet (Clay-based Experience and Language-Ness) 2016 was the first in Sweden on the subject of crafts (HDK University of Gothenburg).

Mårten Medbo will be showing his work in Steneby konsthall along with Klara Kristalova and Per B Sundberg 4/9 – 13/10.

Datum: 2019.09.03

Tid: 16:30

Plats: Samlingssalen Steneby , Dals Långed

Arrangör: Steneby

Webbsida: https://steneby.se/marten-medbo-wheel-throwing-and-meaning/