What can I see, understand, remember through my artworks – en föreläsning med Anu Tuominen

What can I see, understand, remember through my artworks – en föreläsning med Anu Tuominen

Publicerat 2018.03.07

Anu Tuominen förvandlar övergivna eller bortglömda bruksföremål till en finstämd konst. Hon är en av de mest uppmärksammade konceptuella konstnärerna i Finland. Välkomna till en föreläsning om hennes konst och konstnärskap!

Föreläsningen kommer att hållas på engelska.

Anu Tuominens egna ord om föreläsningen:

Why did I make it. How did I get the idea. Are there stories behind my art. The inside or the outside, which is more important. What comes first: color, material, idea or something else. What are the parts of an artwork. Is it a sculpture or a piece of textile art. How important is the context. Is it different to make for children. When did it get the title. Is the title the same thing as the idea. How many possible titles there are. Is it always possible to translate the title. Wordplay in different languages. How is my art in other cultures. Is my art easy and simple to understand. Can I explain my works. Do I have to explain my art. Do I like them. Do I like making art. Is everything in my life art. Am I looking all the time as an artist. Are flea markets to save my money or to save the world. Why do I visit flea markets. Hand-made or ready-made or hand-made-ready-made. Made by me or made by someone else. Why do I crochet. Is nostalgy nice and important. Is it beautiful. Is this artwork good. Is everything for sale. Where is it now. What followed it. Am I still studying. Am I still learning. What am I going to do next. Am I one day retired, on pension. Where do I put my artworks after an exhibition. Do I regret. Where do I put my not so good artworks. What would I like to do next.

Datum: 2018.03.07

Tid: 15:00

Plats: HDK – Högskolan för design och konsthantverk, Kristinelundsgatan 6–8, Göteborg

Arrangör: HDK

Webbsida: http://www.anutuominen.fi/